
BOOL __stdcall SendPacketToAdapter ( HANDLE hOpen, PETH_REQUEST pPacket );

Return Value:
TRUE if call was successful, FALSE otherwise

Specifies driver object open handle.
Pointer to the user allocated and initialized ETH_REQUEST structure.


The following fields of ETH_REQUEST must be initialized:

  • ETH_REQUEST.hAdapterHandle must be set to the interface handle (obtained via call to GetTcpipBoundAdaptersInfo) to which you would like to send a packet.
  • ETH_REQUEST.EthPacket.Buffer must point to the user allocated and initialized INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER structure

The following fields of the INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER should be initialized:

  • INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER.m_IBuffer should contain Ethernet packet
  • INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER.m_Length should be initialized to the actual length of the packet
  • INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER.m_Flags should be initialized by combination of NDIS_FLAGS_XXX (defined in ndis.h). Look at these flags for details. Note, that these flags usually don’t work for the old NDIS versions.

This member is a wrapper for CNdisApi::SendPacketToAdapter