Forum Replies Created
I briefly reviewed the AmneziaWG repositories and noticed that there’s no existing library to handle packet obfuscation/deobfuscation, and I’d prefer not to extract the client code to create one myself. It would be much more convenient if the AmneziaWG authors developed such a library. I’ve submitted an issue about this. If you’re interested in this feature, please consider supporting it:
Да, есть такая проблема, и без антиспама никак и с ним неудобно. Давайте попробуем один из этих каналов: 3, 2024 at 10:59 am in reply to: Does not establish connection through shadowsocks tunnel #13876Currently, localhost connections are not supported because they were not prioritized as essential functionality. While the initial handshake packet is sent over Windows sockets, the subsequent packets are injected directly into the NDIS layer, causing them to be misdirected in case of localhost server. I plan to address this and add localhost support in future releases.
Нужно больше подробностей, логов, адресов и т.п.
I believe that, eventually, it will no longer be possible to sign drivers for Windows 7/8, much like it’s currently impossible for Windows Vista. Depending on your code signing certificate, you may need a cross-certificate to correctly sign drivers for Windows 7/8. In my experience, I’ve encountered the fewest issues with certificates from GlobalSign. However, I agree that driver signing can be tricky.
You’re correct, I did not pass the Windows 7/8 driver through HCK testing, and as you may have noticed, it doesn’t have a Microsoft signature.
August 22, 2024 at 9:48 am in reply to: -lac option in latest version causing disconnects on disallowed apps #13855In a future release, I plan to handle DisallowedApps at the kernel level. This should improve performance, and while I’m not entirely certain, it might help resolve cases like this one.
I’m glad you were able to identify the issue and resolve it successfully. 👍
localhost адреса в настоящее время не поддерживается ни для endpoint ни для socks5.
August 21, 2024 at 12:07 pm in reply to: -lac option in latest version causing disconnects on disallowed apps #13845Hmm, this might be due to tunnel instability. In virtual adapter mode, activating or deactivating the tunnel changes the routing table, which can lead to disconnects. This issue doesn’t occur in transparent mode (without the -lac option) because it intercepts and processes selected packets directly from your default connection.
For Windows 10/11, you’re following the correct process. Though I sign the driver binary before submitting it to MS. However, for Windows 7/8, it’s sufficient to sign the driver with just your code signing certificate.
Hmm, interesting. I’ll make time to look into the issue further.
Driver signing can be challenging, but in my experience, token-based certificates from GlobalSign typically work without any issues for Windows 7/8.
Thank you for pointing that out! We appreciate your attention to detail. The typos have been fixed, and everything should be consistent now.
Thanks also for the compliment on the website—we’re glad you like it!
Could you please try running WireSock with the logging level set to ‘all’? This will capture the traffic into pcap files, allowing us to check for any anomalies.