Category Archives: VPN

Bypassing Egypt’s WireGuard Ban: An Update

By | May 18, 2024

In our earlier post, we discussed bypassing Egypt’s WireGuard VPN ban by routing handshake packets through a SOCKS5 proxy. However, recent developments indicate this method is no longer sufficient. Together with Shady Nagy, we’ve researched and tested a new approach. In the preliminary WireSock VPN Client v1.2.41, a new parameter, Socks5ProxyAllTraffic, has been added. When set to true… Read More »

From Basics to Mastery: Implementing SSH VPN Tunneling on Windows with ProxiFyre

By | June 3, 2023

In conditions of constantly increasing state control over the internet, manifested, among other things, in the blocking of VPN protocols, the problem of developing alternative methods of connection is becoming increasingly relevant. This issue is not only theoretical but also quite practical. Having moved from Russia about a year ago, I continue to actively use the home infrastructure… Read More »

Setting Up WireGuard on Oracle Cloud: Overcoming NAT and Routing Challenges

By | April 29, 2023

WireGuard® is an open-source VPN solution that is known for its simplicity, speed, and security. While setting up a WireGuard instance on most cloud providers is relatively straightforward, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure presents some unique challenges. This blog post will help you navigate those challenges and guide you through configuring a WireGuard instance on Oracle Cloud. We’ll discuss a… Read More »