Reply To: what’s the time to release new version for winpkfilter

Home Forums Discussions General what’s the time to release new version for winpkfilter Reply To: what’s the time to release new version for winpkfilter


    That’t Right!

    hope 3.0.4 can release early.

    some questions:
    1. if i am a license buyer,can we get the both x86 and x64 current version?
    2.can u get me some examples at lease two which use winpkfilter for himself software?
    3.a fool question 🙄 ,it is: if i but the winpkfilter for a license,when i send my software which used the winpkfilter, ~~~~~~this’s to say: the winpktilter driver i paid will be published. how to prevent it? 🙁 🙁 😯 😯


    >other will be used it

    >other get the winpkfilert(licensed). all right?

    do u have email. i want to ask something about how to buy it~~ 😈

    many thanks!!!!!!!!!!