Updated Wiresock to 1.2.36, virtual adapter no longer works

Home Forums Discussions Support Updated Wiresock to 1.2.36, virtual adapter no longer works

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  • #13457

      I just updated from Wiresock 1.2.29 to 1.2.36, and I’m no longer able to connect using virtual adapter mode. Here are the logs:

      PS C:\Program Files\WireSock VPN Client\bin> .\wiresock-client.exe run -config C:\Users\person\AppData\Roaming\WireSockUI\Configs\foo.conf -log-level all -lac
      2023-12-12 11:46:21 WireSock WireGuard VPN Client Service 1.2.36
      The service is starting using C:\Users\person\AppData\Roaming\WireSockUI\Configs\foo.conf WireGuard client configuration.
      WireSock WireGuard VPN Client 1.2.36 is running as a regular process.
      2023-12-12 11:46:21 WireSock Service has started.
      2023-12-12 11:46:21 [MGR]: Using WireGuard server: 23.xxx.xxx.xxx : 443
      2023-12-12 11:46:21 Successfully renamed the network connection accordingly active profile.
      2023-12-12 11:46:21 [TUN]: Failed to obtain WireSock virtual adapter info! lasterror: 0
      2023-12-12 11:46:21 [TUN]: WireSock virtual adapter is not available!
      2023-12-12 11:46:21 [MGR]: Tunnel has failed to start
      2023-12-12 11:46:21 [TUN]: cancel_notify_ip_interface_change has failed, lasterror: 6
      2023-12-12 11:46:21 WireGuard tunnel has failed to start.
      2023-12-12 11:46:21 Switching WireGuard configuration to C:\Users\person\AppData\Roaming\WireSockUI\Configs\foo.conf
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 [MGR]: Using WireGuard server: 23.xxx.xxx.xxx : 443
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 Successfully renamed the network connection accordingly active profile.
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 [TUN]: Failed to obtain WireSock virtual adapter info! lasterror: 0
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 [TUN]: WireSock virtual adapter is not available!
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 [MGR]: Tunnel has failed to start
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 [TUN]: cancel_notify_ip_interface_change has failed, lasterror: 6
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 WireGuard tunnel has failed to start.
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 Switching WireGuard configuration to C:\Users\person\AppData\Roaming\WireSockUI\Configs\foo.conf
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 [MGR]: Using WireGuard server: 23.xxx.xxx.xxx : 443
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 Successfully renamed the network connection accordingly active profile.
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 [TUN]: Failed to obtain WireSock virtual adapter info! lasterror: 0
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 [TUN]: WireSock virtual adapter is not available!
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 [MGR]: Tunnel has failed to start
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 [TUN]: cancel_notify_ip_interface_change has failed, lasterror: 6
      2023-12-12 11:46:22 WireGuard tunnel has failed to start.

      I have also tried installing Wiresock as a service and using WiresockUI, but I receive the same errors from each of those. I am running this from an elevated command prompt, as shown here:

      PS C:\Program Files\WireSock VPN Client\bin> $principal = new-object System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
      PS C:\Program Files\WireSock VPN Client\bin> $principal.IsInRole([System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)

      My config is very simple (of course these are not the real keys):

      PrivateKey = xxxxxx
      Address =
      DNS =
      PublicKey = xxxxxx
      AllowedIPs =,,
      Endpoint = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com:443
      PresharedKey = xxxxxx

      And the config works perfectly if I don’t use virtual adapter mode.

      What can I do to troubleshoot this? This is on a machine that’s running Windows 11 22H2, build 22621.2861.

      Thanks for this great project and for your help!

      • This topic was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by jaysel.
      • This topic was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by jaysel.

        I just downgraded to Wiresock 1.2.32 (the last version before the virtual adapter changes) and now everything is working perfectly. I did not make any other changes to my config – the only thing I did was downgrade the version of Wiresock.

        Vadim Smirnov

          In version 1.2.36, the virtual network adapter driver received an update to meet ARM64 memory alignment standards. It seems that during the transition from version 1.2.32 to 1.2.36, this driver may not have been updated correctly. Typically, the recommended course of action in such instances is to fully uninstall the software, restart the system, and then carry out a clean reinstallation.


            Thanks! That makes sense. I will try that sometime in the next few days and I’ll let you know if I have any further problems.


              Just a quick update – I tried what you suggested and it worked perfectly. Thanks so much! I really appreciate your help and that you’ve created such a great piece of software 🙂

              Vadim Smirnov

                I’m delighted to hear that my suggestion worked out for you! It’s always rewarding to know that my assistance has been effective. Thank you for your kind words about the software. If you have any more questions or need further assistance in the future, feel free to reach out. Your success and satisfaction with the software is our top priority. 😊👍

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