strange IRQL

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      I’ve got a bugcheck A while being inside KeWaitForMultipleObjects function with IRQL = 2 (dispatch level). How can it happen ? It can be seen that IRQL is tested before go to wait.

      ULONG SignalUser(PUSER_DATA_STRUCT pud)
      PVOID ObjPtr[2];
      NTSTATUS ret_val = 0;

      KdPrintEnter((“Enter to %sn”, __FUNCTION__));
      if ( KeGetCurrentIrql() > PASSIVE_LEVEL )
      KdPrintCont((“SignalUser: IRQL > PASSIVE_LEVELn”));
      KdPrintReturn((“Return from %sn”, __FUNCTION__));
      return 0;

      if (g_isUserPresent == FALSE)
      KdPrintCont((“SignalUser: g_isUserPresent == FALSEn”));
      KdPrintReturn((“Return from %sn”, __FUNCTION__));
      return 0;

      if (STATUS_SUCCESS != KeWaitForMutexObject(&g_SignalMutex, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL))
      KdPrintReturn((“Return from %sn”, __FUNCTION__));
      return 0;

      RtlCopyMemory(g_pCurrData, pud, sizeof(USER_DATA_STRUCT));
      ObjPtr[0] = &g_pWaitItem->hAllow;
      ObjPtr[1] = &g_pWaitItem->hDeny;

      //inform user space program to read the data
      KeSetEvent(g_UserEventObject, 0, FALSE);

      // wait for user space to answer
      ret_val = KeWaitForMultipleObjects(2, ObjPtr, WaitAny, UserRequest, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL, NULL);


        ObjPtr[0] = &g_pWaitItem->hAllow;
        ObjPtr[1] = &g_pWaitItem->hDeny;

        hAllow, hDeny – are they handle of events? KeWaitForMultipleObjects may operate only with direct pointer to KEVENT struct. If you have handles, you should retrieve direct pointer by call ObReferenceObjectByHandle

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