Copy Payload

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #5351

      Hello. I need to analyze packets of different protocols (smtp, aol, jabber). And look at them a certain text if the text is found in the message, then blocked it. Parsing and search for text in the packets is already implemented in C #.

      I would like the following: get the packet through the winpkfilter, passing to the function that parses the packet and looking at it certain text (function written in C #), if found, then block the package.

      I wrote code for this, but can’t copy packet payload into the temporary string:

      char[] szTempString = new char[1500];

      while (true)

      while (Ndisapi.ReadPacket(hNdisapi, ref Request))
      PacketBuffer = (INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(PacketBufferIntPtr, typeof(INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER));

      pEthHeader = (ETHER_HEADER*)((byte*)PacketBufferIntPtr + (Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER), "m_IBuffer")).ToInt32());

      if(ntohs(pEthHeader->proto) == ETHER_HEADER.ETH_P_IP)
      pIpHeader = (IPHeader*)((byte*)pEthHeader + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ETHER_HEADER)));
      IPAddress src_addr = new IPAddress(pIpHeader->Src);
      IPAddress dst_addr = new IPAddress(pIpHeader->Dest);

      // Console.WriteLine("tIP {0} --> {1} PROTOCOL: {2}", src_addr.ToString(), dst_addr.ToString(), pIpHeader->P);

      if (pIpHeader->P == IPHeader.IPPROTO_TCP)
      pTcpHeader = (TcpHeader*) ((byte*) pIpHeader + ((pIpHeader->IPLenVer) & 0xF)*4);
      if (((pTcpHeader->th_dport == htons(80)) &&
      (PacketBuffer.m_dwDeviceFlags == Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND)) ||
      ((pTcpHeader->th_sport == htons(80)) &&
      (PacketBuffer.m_dwDeviceFlags == Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_RECEIVE)))
      var dwDataLength = (int)PacketBuffer.m_Length -
      (Marshal.SizeOf(typeof (ETHER_HEADER)) +
      (pIpHeader->IPLenVer & 0xF)*4 + (pTcpHeader->Off & 0xF)*4);

      var pData = (IntPtr)pEthHeader + (Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ETHER_HEADER)) +
      (pIpHeader->IPLenVer & 0xF) * 4 + (pTcpHeader->Off & 0xF) * 4);
      if(dwDataLength != 0)
      Marshal.Copy(pData,szTempString, 0, dwDataLength);


      if (PacketBuffer.m_dwDeviceFlags == Ndisapi.PACKET_FLAG_ON_SEND)
      Ndisapi.SendPacketToAdapter(hNdisapi, ref Request);
      Ndisapi.SendPacketToMstcp(hNdisapi, ref Request);

      And another question: Is it possible to get the packet in array of bytes in hex format?

      ЗЫ. Можно на русском.


        Solved. Problem was in codepage.


          Hello. I’ve been doing this for many years. I can’t change the encoding to see the string. Could you indicate how to change it?

          var bytes = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(szTempString);
          string s3 = Convert.ToString(bytes);

          This for example does not work

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